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Governing Board

The Governing Board of the Language Academy of Sacramento is seeking for one (1) candidate for each of the Community and Parent Representative Positions. The term of the office will be from September 26, 2024 until June 30, 2027. This important position serves to ensure the Language Academy of Sacramento’s mission is fulfilled.

The LAS mission is to create a learning community where students: 1. Utilize bilingualism and biliteracy (Spanish and English) to achieve academic excellence and apply skills in real-world situations and diverse settings. (BILITERACY), 2. Develop and exhibit positive self-esteem, pride, confidence and respect for themselves and others. (CONFIDENCE AND LIFE SKILLS), and 3. Demonstrate leadership skills in order to build bridges between communities and apply critical thinking skills to solve problems, promote social justice, and create change in society. (LEADERSHIP AND CRITICAL THINKING)

In support of the school’s mission, the Governing Board’s responsibilities encompass the following: 1) preparing for and attending one monthly 4-5 hour evening meeting and two
committee meetings a month estimated at two hours each, 2) during Governing Board and committee meetings: setting organizational policies, 3) designing long-range and strategic plans that fulfill the school’s mission; and 4) monitoring the school’s overall operational needs and overseeing proper allocations of the school’s financial and human resources.

If you are interested in this challenging and vital position, please submit a current resume and your Declaration of Candidacy for Governing Board Representative (see below) to the Language Academy of Sacramento, 2850 49th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817. Note for Community and Parent Representatives positions only: Individuals employed by LAS within the last 60 months are not eligible for candidacy. 
Community & Parent Board Member Election Timeline
Approximate Dates
Call for Candidates
May 9 – June 12
Application Due Date
June 12
Governing Board Meeting to include Candidate interview (Community Candidates Only)
June 27 at 5:30pm
Town Hall
September 4  
September 4 – September 16
Election Announcement
September 20
First Official Meeting
September 26