- Policies & Forms
- Academic Calendar/Calendario Academico
- Admissions and Enrollment Policy
- Attendance
- Chaperones
- Formal Complaint Procedures/ Procedimientos formales de queja
- Volunteers
- 8th Grade Promotion
- Student Policies/Polizas Estudiantiles
- Family and Community Engagement Policy
- Parent Student School Compact
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan
- Anti-Bullying, Sexual Harrassment, Suicide Prevention Policies
- Acceptable Technology Use
- Zoom Permission Form
- Sports Eligibility Policy
- Staff/Student Interaction Policy
8th Grade Promotion
Promotion/Retention Policy
Promotion/Retention Policy
Students’ progress is determined from grade to grade by meeting the state’s standards for promotion. If a student is at risk of
retention due to academic achievement, the parent or guardian will be notified early in the school year and school staff will meet with the parent to develop and implement an intervention plan to help the student meet the standards for promotion. It is the school’s intent to identify struggling students early in the school year so that interventions can be provided. Intervention
opportunities will be provided for students who are at risk of retention. The school has a clear process and schedule for informing parents about their child’s progress toward meeting promotion criteria. The intervention process includes written notices and multiple meetings between the parents and teacher(s). It is the school’s intent to work collaboratively with
parents/guardians to help a student gain the skills needed for promotion to the next grade level. Ultimately, state law
(Education Code 48070.5) identifies that school professionals have the authority to retain a child except in some cases in
Promotion/Retention- Middle School (8th grade)
Upon successful completion of 8th grade, students will participate in end of the year activities and a promotion ceremony.
Successful is defined as students who:
• Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on the Final Progress Report and/or Final Report Card
• Do not to exceed two suspensions (including in-house suspensions) during the school year
• Receive a minimum of one F on the final report card
Promotion/Retention- Middle School (8th grade)
Upon successful completion of 8th grade, students will participate in end of the year activities and a promotion ceremony.
Successful is defined as students who:
• Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on the Final Progress Report and/or Final Report Card
• Do not to exceed two suspensions (including in-house suspensions) during the school year
• Receive a minimum of one F on the final report card
Promotion/Retention- Middle School (8th grade)
Promotion/Retention- Middle School (8th grade)
Upon successful completion of 8th grade, students will participate in end of the year activities and a promotion ceremony.
Successful is defined as students who:
- Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on the Final Progress Report and/or Final Report Card
- Do not to exceed two suspensions (including in-house suspensions) during the school year
- Receive a minimum of one F on the final report card