- Policies & Forms
- Academic Calendar/Calendario Academico
- Admissions and Enrollment Policy
- Attendance
- Chaperones
- Formal Complaint Procedures/ Procedimientos formales de queja
- Volunteers
- 8th Grade Promotion
- Student Policies/Polizas Estudiantiles
- Family and Community Engagement Policy
- Parent Student School Compact
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan
- Anti-Bullying, Sexual Harrassment, Suicide Prevention Policies
- Acceptable Technology Use
- Zoom Permission Form
- Sports Eligibility Policy
- Staff/Student Interaction Policy
Attendance and Absences
Daily school attendance is critical for a student’s academic success as well as for the Charter School’s financial solvency. By
law (Ed Code Section 48200-48208), parents are obligated to send their child to school daily. Unless it is an emergency, parents are asked to schedule medical and non-medical appointments outside of school hours.
When a student is absent, parents are required to provide a written note or contact the school office to verify the reason for the absence. School absences are monitored carefully throughout the year. If a student has more than ten absences in a year for illness, a physician must verify further absences for illness. If attendance for a full day is not possible, we encourage students’ attendance for at least half of the core school day. *Students must be present for at least 80% of their core day to be eligible for afterschool program participation.
List of Excused Absences:
- Health reasons
- Attendance to funeral services for an immediate family member
- Appearance in court
- Observation of a religious holiday or ceremony
Parents of students with excessive tardies and/or three or more unexcused absences will be contacted by school administration and a truancy letter will be sent as required per Education Code 48200.
- Student must report to the office and obtain a late pass before going to class. Parents may not obtain a pass on their child’s behalf.
- After the third unexcused tardy (late 30 minutes or more), parents will be subject to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
- Habitually tardy students will be referred to the SARB (School Attendance Review Board) committee and may be referred to the School’s Governing Board, Child Services and Sacramento Sheriff’s Department.
Students who are tardy, dismissed early, absent, or on Independent Study are not eligible for attendance awards during that month/trimester.