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After School Education and Safety (ASES)

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ASES Agreements / Acuerdos de ASES

ASES Agreements / Acuerdos de ASES

Behavior Agreement / Entendimiento de Comportamiento

Cellphone and Tech Devices / Teléfonos moviles y dispositivos tecnológicos

Check-in and Attendance / Asistencia

Dismissal Time / Hora de salida

Full Time Participation / Paricipación de tiempo completo

Homework Policy / Poliza de tarea



The ASES Program is an extension of our current enrichment program.  With funding from the State of California, we have been given the opportunity to extend our program to five days per week.  In addition, we are able to add academic and recreational components. 


The ASES program consists of three components: 1) academic, 2) enrichment, and 3) recreational.  The educational component consists of curriculum that reinforces the school’s academic program.  The enrichment component will include, but will not be limited to visual and performing arts, music and fitness. 
Enrollment season 2022/2023 will begin on 6/1/2023 for all grades.  Information session is mandatory if you are interested in enrolling your student in ASES. Inormation session is scheduled for June 1st at 6:00pm:

The ASES program is funded through a grant from the State of California.  The program requires that students attend the program full time, five days a week.  Full time enrollment is considered daily attendance until 6:00 pm.  Students who do not attend on a full time basis will be dropped from the program. 


If you need to pick up your child before 6:00 pm, a note must be provided stating the reason at least 48 hours in advance to the ASES coordinator to determine that your reason falls within policy guidelines.  If it is recurring, a waiver must be submitted and approved 1 week prior to the first early dismissal date. 

A parent or legal guardian may request late arrival or early release for any of the reasons listed on the Early Release policy.  When picking up a student for early release, the parent or legal guardian must go to the school office, sign out the student, write the time of day, and state the reason. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. 

Students who arrive late must go directly to the school office to sign in and state why they are arriving late.  Please refer to early dismissal policy and waiver.


The ASES program is offered every day that school is in session, with the exception of staff development days which will be posted in advance.  The ASES program begins at the end of the school day and runs until 6:00 pm.  


If your child is going to be absent from the program, please give the staff advanced notice by calling the school office (916.277.7137).  Notifying staff of your child’s absence is important for the safety of your child, and the peace of mind of staff.  If your child does not attend the program, and we have not been notified of his/her absence, we will assume that your child is lost or in danger and will contact the necessary officials. 


Students will be permitted a total of 10 absences from the program per school year.  If a student misses more than 10 days she/he will be dropped from the program and their slot will be given to a student on the waiting list. 


Sign In: All students enrolled in the ASES program are signed in by ASES program staff directly after the regular school day ends.  All students participating in the ASES program must report to the cafeteria. 

Sign Out: All students must be signed out of the ASES program daily.  Parents and adults listed on the registration form will be the only individuals who will be permitted to pick up students.  The parent or authorized adult are required to sign students out of the ASES program.  When signing a student out of the program, the authorized adult must write the time the student is being signed out.  To ensure the safety of all students, adults may be required to show identification to program staff. This applies to anyone that the staff does not recognize, including parents or legal guardians.   

If your child appears sick, or complains of a sickness while participating in the program, the staff will notify the parent/guardian immediately.  Staff will ask you to pick up your child from the program to prevent the risk of infection.  The program is not equipped to care for sick children. 


The emergency contact information you completed is extremely important.  Please be sure to notify the staff of any changes in your child’s medical needs, as well as any changes that might occur with your home and work numbers, and the emergency contact numbers you have supplied. 


The ASES staff is not trained to dispense medications to students.  If a child requires medication, parents must submit a note from a doctor and train their child to take medication. 


If your child is injured, the program staff will take whatever steps may be necessary to ensure that your child receives emergency medical care.  This can include, but is not limited to, administering emergency first aid or CPR, attempting to contact you or your emergency contacts, calling an ambulance or paramedic, calling your family doctor, and/or accompanying the child to an emergency hospital.


If you would like to donate money, materials or resources to the after school program, we would be more than grateful for your support.  If you wish to donate to the ASES program, please contact the site coordinator, Pedro Aguilera or bring your donations to the front office.